Thousands of guests visit the Most Magical Place on Earth every day, and many of them have a special place in their hearts for Disney princesses. However, Disney World is a massive place full of theme parks, so it’s best to have some guidance to help you navigate.
So, where can you meet Elena of Avalor at Disney World? Here are the most common places to find Princess Elena at Disney World.
Who Is Princess Elena of Avalor?

You might be unfamiliar with Princess Elena of Avalor because she’s one of Disney’s newest princesses. She gained popularity with kids by having her own animated show on Disney Channel.
Princess Elena is the first Hispanic Disney Princess.
Where To Find Elena of Avalor at Disney World
Even though Princess Elena is new to the Disney Princess family, there are still a few places to find her at Walt Disney World.
Of the four major theme parks, Magic Kingdom is where you can meet Elena of Avalor.
Elena of Avalor is the only Disney Junior character that meets with guests outside of Hollywood Studios.
Read on to learn where to look within this park.
Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom is the most iconic of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World. From opening to closing, you can go on thrilling coasters and see Mickey’s Celebration Cavalcade and Disney’s Festival of Fantasy Parade.
At night, you can see Cinderella’s Castle illuminated with color and sparkle with pixie dust in the Beacons of Magic.
Everything about Magic Kingdom shows why Disney World is known as the Most Magical Place on Earth. You can find princes and princesses around every corner and have the opportunity to do a meet and greet with your favorite characters.
Princess Fairytale Hall

Suppose you’re in Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and would like the chance to meet Elena of Avalor, then head over to Princess Fairytale Hall. You can find Princess Fairytale Hall in Fantasyland.
The princesses in Princess Fairytale Hall vary depending on the time of day, so if Princess Elena is who you’re determined to meet, make sure you check her times before visiting.
As of now, Princess Fairytale Hall is the only location in the Walt Disney World Resort area to have a personal meet and greet with Elena of Avalor.
With this in mind, the Princess Fairytale Hall is the most popular spot in Magic Kingdom to meet the princesses, so be prepared for a long line.
You can get to the front of the line by paying extra money to get the Genie+ app.
Use the My Disney Experience to look at the current wait times. Princess Fairytale Hall in Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. This gives you plenty of time to plan your trip to Princess Fairytale Hall during your day at Magic Kingdom.
Also, you can meet two princesses at the same time. For example, you can meet Princess Elena with Cinderella. Have fun meeting one of Disney’s newest princesses alongside one of the first princesses introduced by Walt Disney.
There are signs at the entrance of the Princess Fairytale Hall letting you know which princesses are inside and how long the wait time is.
Royal Princess Processional
The Royal Princess Processional is a parade that goes down Main Street, USA, throughout the entire day. This parade features some of your favorite Disney princesses, including Princess Elena of Avalor.
The Royal Princess Processional doesn’t start at any set times. Instead, based on the time of day, the parade will start. You’ll be able to see the princesses along Main Street USA, Cinderella’s Castle, and Frontierland.
Can You Take Photos With Elena of Avalor?
Yes, you can take photos with Princess Elena at the Princess Fairytale Hall. These pictures won’t cost you any additional money, as long as you remember to bring your phone or a camera.
There is also an option that costs additional money, but it gives you professional photos from skilled photographers that work at Disney World.
Disney’s PhotoPass service transfers photos that the photographer takes directly to your email at the end of the day. The easiest way to use this service is by scanning your magic band.
Does Elena of Avalor Give Autographs?
Yes, Elena of Avalor is always willing to give you an autograph at Princess Fairytale Hall at Magic Kingdom.
Be sure to bring an autograph book, a photo, or anything you want for the princess to sign. Again, you won’t have to pay extra for an autograph.
More About Meeting Elena of Avalor
Princess Elena loves engaging with the fans that come to meet her. Elena is an enthusiastic princess in her show, and it’s refreshing to see that she’s this way in real life. She’s always happy to talk about her life in Avalor and loves talking about her younger sister, Isabel.
In recent years, Elena of Avalor is an important character that younger kids can relate to. Since she’s the first Latina princess, many fans are thrilled to see their heritage represented by Disney.
So, Where Can You Meet Elena of Avalor at Disney World?
If you’re a fan of Princess Elena of Avalor, there’s a limited number of ways you can meet her at Disney World.
So, where can you meet Elena of Avalor at Disney World?
You can only find this princess in Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Florida. Once you’re in Fantasyland, you’ll have to head over to Princess Fairytale Hall to get a meet-and-greet with Elena of Avalor.
Are you ready to meet Princess Elena of Avalor in person? This new Disney princess is quickly gaining popularity, so it’s a fun opportunity for children and adults that want to see the first Latina princess.
If you’ve dreamed of meeting their favorite Disney princesses, check out this location next time you’re at Disney World.